| | We are delighted to announce the launch of QGenome across the East Midlands and East of England | | Dear colleague,
A new NHS England-funded app offering genomic referral, risk assessment and testing guidance to clinicians has been launched for the East Midlands and East of England. | | | | QGenome offers clinicians readily-accessible, evidence-based clinical guidance and a streamlined mechanism to instigate genomic investigations and onward referrals, where necessary. It is freely available on iOS, Android and Web apps.
QGenome: - is a point of care tool for any healthcare professional or multidisciplinary team needing guidance navigating the role of genomic testing at various stages of the patient pathway.
- enables busy clinicians to quickly distinguish between patients with sporadic disease and those with a potential genetic condition by highlighting the relevance of genomics at specific decision points in their patient’s management.
- is aligned to the NHS National Genomic Test Directory, with links to genomic test request forms, record of discussion forms, national guidelines and published literature.
QGenome has been live across the South East Genomic Medicine Service Alliance (GMSA) for some time and we are really pleased to be able to launch this service across the East GMSA region.
We are launching QGenome with a focus on Cancer initially. Other specialties including Cardiology, Renal, Midwifery/prenatal and Neurology will follow once the application has bedded in across the region. Please do contact the QGenome team if you have a particular interest in one of these specialties.
Useful links:
Best wishes NHS East GMSA
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